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Pectoralis major & minor(대흉근[=큰가슴근] & 소흉근[=작은가슴근])
<Pectoralis Major>
이는곳(기시, Origin)
빗장뼈 부위 - 빗장뼈 안쪽의 1/2
복장뼈머리 부위 - 복장뼈와 1~6번 갈비뼈
Clavicular head - anterior surface of the medial half of the clavicle.
Sternocostal head - anterior surface of the sternum, 1~6th ribs
닿는곳(정지, Insertion)
위팔뼈두갈래근고랑의 가쪽입술
Lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus
(anteromedial proximal humerus)
가슴우리동맥의 흉가지
pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial trunk
빗장뼈 부위 - 가쪽가슴신경(C5-C6)
복장뼈 부위 - 안쪽가슴신경(C7-C8, T1)Clavicular head: lateral pectoral nerve C5 and C6
Sternocostal head: medial pectoral nerve C7, C8 and T1
공통작용 - 위팔뼈 안쪽돌림, 모음, 수평모음
빗장뼈머리 부위 - 위팔뼈 굽힘
복장뼈머리 부위 - 위팔뼈 굽힘자세에서 폄, 날개뼈 외전 및 하강
Common action: internal rotation, adduction, horizontal adduction of the humerus
Clavicular head: flexes the humerus
Sternocostal head: extension in flexed humerus, Depression and abduction of the scapula.
<Pectoralis Minor>
이는곳(기시, Origin)
3~5번째 갈비뼈의 앞쪽면
Third to fifth ribs, near the costochondral junction
닿는곳(정지, Insertion)
어깨뼈의 부리돌기
Medial border and superior surface of the coracoid process of the scapula
가슴우리동맥의 흉가지
Pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial trunk
안쪽 가슴신경(C8-T1)
Medial pectoral nerve (C8)
어깨뼈 내밈, 내림, 아래쪽 돌림, 흡기시 갈비뼈 들림
Stabilizes the scapula by drawing it inferiorly and anteriorly against the thoracic wall
raises ribs in inspiration
관련 스포츠(Sports)