단순 해부학 (Simple Anatomy)/상체(Upper Extremity)
Brachialis(상완근,위팔근) - 기시,정지,작용,혈관,신경,관련 스포츠
안녕하세요 바디앤밸런스입니다😁 Brachialis(상완근,위팔근) 이는곳(기시, Origin) 위팔뼈의 앞쪽 아래 1/2 anterior surface of the humerus, particularly the distal half of this bone 닿는곳(정지, Insertion) 자뼈 거친면 coronoid process and the tuberosity of the ulna 혈관지배(Artery) 하척측 측부동맥 radial recurrent artery, brachial artery 신경지배(Nerve) 근육피부신경(C5-C7) musculocutaneous nerve (C5-C7) and radial nerve (C5, C6) 작용(Action) 팔굽관절의 굽힘 flexion at ..
2020. 2. 21. 20:42